Friday, June 19, 2015

Some History

I thought  I should do a post giving some history and the reason that I am wanting a new long arm quilting machine. I am sure there are many who don't even know what a longarm quilting machine is.

At one time I had one and ran a successful business with many satisfied customers. You can read a  little about that here. This is an old blog I have not updated in years.

About five years ago I went through a divorce. In the process I lost my quilting machine. But life moves on....but oh boy, did I mourn the loss of that machine and my quilting business.
You can read some of that story here.

Who doesn't like stories?

 Well today I will tell you a little of my story. I have been a quilter as long as I can remember, in fact I have memories of sitting at my Grandmother's knee while she hand pieced quilt tops from old clothes and sewing scraps. I still have one of her treasured, thread bare quilts.

My life has been kind of like that quilt. I have always been able to take the scraps and left overs and create a beautiful masterpiece!

Years ago I was content in life....I had a beautiful home, a job I enjoyed, a husband and a longarm quilting machine business.
Then one day my life blew up in my face! My husband of 18 years left me. Through the process of divorce I lost my home, many possessions and my treasured quilting machine. I ended up in bankruptcy.
Needless to say I had to close down my long arm quilting business. But I promised myself I would one day have another long arm quilting machine and start another business. 

So that's my story....and I'm sticking to it. 
If you care to read more of my story head on over to

I'm excited and looking forward to this Bigger or Better Trading venture!!


Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Button.....that turns into a Longarm Quilting Machine!

Has anyone ever heard of the Bigger or Better game? Well I have decided to have some fun and play Bigger or Better and see if I can trade.
I want an APQS Millenium Longarm Quilting machine....
Anything is possible in my mind....all you have to do is believe!!!!!

You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
Please follow my progress and the trades I make. By all means if you have something Bigger or Better you wish to trade let me know.

I know there are a lot of you out there who played this as a child. Some may still be playing it as adults.

There is a story of a young man who offered a Red Paper Clip and fourteen trades later ended up trading for a house. You can read that story here.

May the trading begin......Remember "BIGGER or   BETTER"

 I am trading a button.......for an APQS Millenium Long Arm Quilting Machine with a Computer system.
How many trades do you think it will take to accomplish this?